How Our Dental Wellness Plan Works

Smiling family group with brunette mother holding toddler girl on her hip, ten year old daughter standing in-between father in black tank top holding young boy in jeans on his hip

We know that it can be stress-inducing to need to see the dentist when you don’t have dental insurance. That’s why we offer a comprehensive dental wellness plan to cover all those who are uninsured or underinsured. The benefits are numerous and the plan will save you and your family time, money, and stress. Read on to learn more about our plan.

All About Our Dental Wellness Plan

Our in-house dental wellness plan was designed to make it possible for everyone to have access to great dental care, regardless of insurance status or financial concerns. With one flat yearly rate, you’ll receive preventative services that you need and discounted rates on restorative and cosmetic procedures. An individual plan is just $367 a year. It covers two regular examinations, one emergency exam, necessary x-rays, and two fluoride treatments. To add a family member, the annual amount rises to $663. Each additional family member is only $263 per year.

Our Dental Wellness Plan vs. Insurance

It’s often hard to know with dental insurance what portion of services will be covered. Therefore, you may be paying more in premiums and deductibles than the actual value of what you’re receiving. With our wellness plan, there are no waiting periods, claims to file, monthly premiums, hidden fees, or high deductibles. You simply pay a flat rate, no questions asked. The result is great dental care and fewer financial worries.

Great Dental Care For Your Family Made Easy

So stop stressing about how you’re going to afford routine dental examinations or how you’ll handle an emergency. When you sign up for our dental plan, you and your family will be covered immediately. As a result, you won’t have to sacrifice quality health care because of budgetary concerns. If you’re interested in our dental wellness plan, call today! We are ready to assist you and get you on your way to a healthy smile!

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