How Cold Weather Affects Your Teeth

The brisk air of winter can be refreshing, but it can also cause discomfort for some people. If your teeth ache when the temperature drops, you’re not alone. Let’s talk about how cold weather affects your teeth and what you can do for relief.

A Common Problem

Dental sensitivity is a common complaint for runners, athletes, and outdoor enthusiasts who spend time training and competing outside or simply enjoying the great outdoors in all its winter splendor. Why is it so common? Let’s examine some of the reasons behind dental discomfort caused by cold weather.

Reasons Behind Cold Sensitivity

How cold weather affects your teeth can be a symptom of an underlying issue. Many things can lead to increased sensitivity, such as cavities, gum recession or disease, jaw clenching, or sinus pressure. It can be helpful to keep a journal of when you experience sensitivity and any other symptoms that are present at the time so that you can pinpoint environmental factors and triggers such as cold air, foods or drinks, congestion, or level of activity and if it causes you to breathe through your mouth. Ultimately, the best and only reliable way to diagnose the reason behind cold sensitivity or any dental discomfort is to visit your dentist for a thorough exam. Your dentist has the expertise and tools needed to evaluate the health of your teeth and gums and spot any issues that may be causing your discomfort.

How to Get Relief

When you’re experiencing dental discomfort, the number one thing you probably want is relief. Depending on what is causing the discomfort, your dentist may recommend various strategies to address the underlying issue, such as a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, fluoride treatment to remineralize and strengthen your teeth, a decongestant to reduce sinus pressure, a modified dental care routine to focus extra attention on your gum health, or a filling if there are signs of tooth decay or a cavity.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Sensitivity

If your teeth hurt, it’s important not to simply try to treat the symptom at home, but to see a dentist as soon as possible. You should never ignore your body’s pain signals telling you that something may be off. How cold weather affects your teeth can be an indicator of the need for treatment or a change in your dental care regimen and your dentist is your most valuable resource to help you find out what is going on and the best course forward toward achieving relief and dental wellness. Call our Helotes Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.